Guy Butcher Workshop

Take a look back at our workshop with Guy

Our first store based workshop is in the bag

We welcomed Guy Butcher in to the store for two fantastic one day workshops. Using his lamination and vacuum bag technique to create lightweight, flexible and most importantly strong paipos, bellyboards and handplanes

Our attendees glued and pressed a board before shaping from a pre-made blank leaving with one finished board and another templated blank ready to finish at home

FARM ++, Naked Paipos, Pup or Piglet

Guy has spent years refining his “formers”. These blocks of wood create the concaves, channels and “rails” on his boards and ultimately determine what board will be made

When the three layers of wood are removed from the vacuum bag you have a rectangle of bonded ply and cedar ready to be templated and cut out

Once sanded and oiled you will have a board identical to one Guy would make you himself

Hands on

In store the whole process is achieved with the use of hand tools. No noisy power tools, minimal mess and a nice methodical process, complete with a gentle learning curve

We are looking forward to running a second set of dates with Guy. If you would like to be kept in the loop just sign up to our newsletter and we will let you know
